
Lorena Biassotti


Lorena (Cardenas) Biassotti is a devoted wife and mother of four. Born in Los Angeles, California, to Mexican immigrant parents who were high school sweethearts from Gardena High, Lorena was raised in Monterey Park in a large, close-knit, church-going family.

She pursued her studies in Mass Communications in college and contributed to the college newspaper. Before becoming a mother, she worked as a realtor and social worker for the Department of Social Services. However, for the past 17 years, Lorena has dedicated herself to being a stay-at-home mom. Lorena felt compelled to form a local parent group when she saw the need to advocate for her children.

She believes that all children in America, regardless of their family's income, deserve access to quality education. Lorena has raised her children with strong Christian values, which she believes are essential for building a moral society where all children can thrive, prosper, and live in unity and safety.