The purpose of Response to Instruction (RTI) is to improve learning for all students. It is a process that aligns interventions and educational support matched to individual needs.
The CCSD RTI Framework uses three levels of support provided to all students pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade. Throughout the tiers of support, all students are provided access to grade-level curriculum and behavioral support.
Collaboration, problem solving, and decision making teams are a critical part of the RTI process. The Collaborative Problem-Solving Team (RTI Team) routinely meets to address students' learning needs across the school. These teams assist teachers in analyzing data, setting student goals, and facilitating the decision-making process (Ehren, Ehren & Proly, 2009).
All decisions made for students are based on data. This problem-solving process involves identifying the problem, gathering data, developing an intervention plan, monitoring the plan, and deciding on next steps.
Parent Brochure - English | Español
Parental resource provided by Nevada Department of Education that explains an overview and key elements of Response to Instruction in English and Espanol. A Parent's Guide to Response to Intervention (RTI) or Una guia para los padres con respect a la "Respuesta a la Interencion" (RTI)
Visual pictorial resource for parents that displays the Response to Instruction process and provides a brief explanation. Reading Rockets RTI Graphic
The National Center on Response to Intervention provides information to parents on proven models for RTI. ABCs of RTI or Primer for Parents
The RTI Action Network, Parents & Family Section, provides resources on RTI for parents. RTI Action Network
Leading researcher with Response to Instruction to Instruction for educators and parents. Mark
Between the Lions is a collection of books for reading aloud, books about reading (for parents and teachers) and, books featured on the PBS show. Books for Reading Aloud
Florida Center on Reading Research for parents provides information on curriculum and instruction, assessment programs, and presentations and publications. Florida Center on Reading Research for Parents
Reading Rockets is a list of resources for sharing the joy of reading with children. This website lists books by theme, award winning books, and a summer read list. Reading rockets
This interactive website provides parents and students with activities and games to increase reading skills along with giving parents resources to help their children. Activities and resources are specified by grade levels Kindergarten through twelfth. Podcasts are also available for students and parents on various literacy topics. Read Write Think
Math resource for parents and students that provides direct teaching and explanation of specific math concepts. This website also provides practice for students on specific math skills and concepts. Khan Academy
This site provides a large collection of free math resources for K-5 parents and students to assist with developing key math concepts and skills. It includes math games and activities that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. K-5 Math Teaching Resources
This online math website provides parents and students with resources to clarify specific math concepts. It also provides practice problems and includes activities and games to reinforce certain math skills.
This website is an excellent resource that includes parenting tips for challenging behaviors. It provides parents with simple ideas to assist when children are displaying negative behaviors. It also includes a structure for assisting parents when their children struggle completing homework and chores. Positive Approaches for Challenging Behaviors
This resource offers 8 practical tips for parents of young children with challenging behaviors. The tips include a variety of topics from setting up positive expectations for children along with how to offer reasonable choices. It also provides strategies on how to remain calm and the use of neutral time with families. Positive Solutions for Families