Acceptable Use Policy

Computer network resources, provided by the Clark County School District, enable communication with electronic communities around the world. These computer network resources include Internet, e-mail, cloud-based systems, and all other Internet service providers when used in an educational setting.

The use of these electronic resources shall be consistent with the purpose, mission, and goals of the Clark County School District and used for professional or educational purposes. The purpose in providing these services is to facilitate access to information and resources, promote educational excellence, and enhance communication.

The Internet is a network connecting thousands of computers throughout the world. The Internet can bring a wealth of educational material to the classroom, but may also contain material that is objectionable. The Clark County School District filters web sites believed to be inappropriate for students. However, no filtering system is perfect. The District cannot and does not represent that inappropriate or objectionable material can be completely filtered. Parent(s) and guardian(s) must consider this in deciding whether to permit their children access to the District’s computer network resources.

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is provided so that staff, students, and members of the community using the District’s computer network resources are aware of their responsibilities. The use of these network resources is a privilege, not a right.


A. Access to District Network Resources

  1. Staff, students, and members of the community may be given access to the District’s computer network resources. This access, including account and password, must not be shared, assigned or transferred to another individual.
  2. The District will periodically require new registration and account information from school, staff, and community members. Adult users must notify the system administrators of any changes in account information (address, phone, name, etc.) within fifteen (15) business days.
  3. Access to the District’s computer network resources may be suspended or terminated if terms and conditions of this AUP are violated. Prior to a termination of access to the District’s computer network resources, the user will be informed of the suspected violation and given an opportunity to present an explanation. The user may request a review hearing with an appointed hearing officer within seven (7) days of notification if the user feels that such action is unjust. After the review, access may be terminated if the hearing officer denies the appeal.
  4. Upon enrollment, each student will receive access to the District’s network resources unless a parent/guardian explicitly indicates the student should not have access during the online registration process. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) can opt-out of network access at any time, upon written request.
  5. District-provided accounts ( are provided to fulfill job and educational responsibilities within the organization. Accounts are to be used solely for work-related and/or educational purposes and should not be used for personal purposes. District-provided accounts should not be used to register with personal services such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.

B. System Security

  1. Computer users may not run applications or files that create a security risk to the District’s computer network resources. If users identify a security problem, they must notify appropriate administrators immediately.
  2. Any user reasonably deemed to be a security risk, or discovered to have a proven history of problems with other computer networks, may be denied access to the District’s computer network resources.
  3. Users should immediately notify the system administrators if they believe that someone has obtained unauthorized access to their private account.
  4. Providing account access or sharing your account credentials with another individual, either deliberately or through neglect, is prohibited.

C. Respecting Resource Limits

  1. Staff, students, and community members will not post chain letters or engage in spamming. Spamming is sending messages to a large number of people, or sending a large number of messages to a single person, with the intent of annoying users or to interrupt the system.
  2. The system administrators reserve the right to set a limit on disk storage for network users.
  3. Unless previously approved, users are responsible for any phone charges including, but not limited to, long distance charges, per minute (unit) surcharges and/or equipment or line costs, incurred by user while accessing computer network resources.

D. Illegal Activities

  1. The District will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities.
  2. It is prohibited to sell or purchase goods and services without prior approval of the appropriate administrator.
  3. Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the District’s network resources or go beyond authorized access is prohibited. This includes attempting to log in through another person’s account or accessing another person’s files.
  4. Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges to the District’s computer network resources. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data or equipment on any computer network.
  5. It is prohibited to use the District’s computer network resources with the intent of denying others access to the system.
  6. Advertising will be permitted on the District’s computer network resources with the prior approval of the appropriate administrator.
  7. The download, use, hosting, or distribution of copyrighted material and software is illegal and prohibited on the District’s computer network resources, unless it falls within an exception to the use of copyrighted materials.

E. Intellectual Property (Copyright)

  1. No copyrighted material is to be placed on the District’s computer network resources without written permission from the copyright owner.
  2. No copyrighted material (including music, games, videos, and software) may be hosted or distributed within or from the District's computer network resources without written permission from the Copyright owner and must be approved by the Technology and Information Systems Services Division, unless it falls within an exception to the use of copyrighted materials.
  3. All users of the District’s network resources must agree not to submit, publish, or display any type of material that violates this AUP.

F. Software

  1. Only public domain files, and files that the author has given written consent for online distribution, may be uploaded to the District’s software libraries.
  2. Software having the purpose of damaging the District’s network resources or other systems is prohibited.
  3. Users may be required to use a District approved Internet browser or other software to access the computer network resources.
  4. Use of unapproved file sharing software or resources, including cloud storage websites, torrent sites, and other peer-to-peer options) is prohibited.

G. Language

  1. Polite and appropriate language is expected at all times.
  2. Abusive messages are prohibited.
  3. Harassment is prohibited. Harassment is conduct which is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it adversely affects, or has the purpose or logical consequence of interfering with a user’s educational program, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Behavior that continues after an individual is informed of its offensiveness may constitute evidence of an intent to harass. If told by a person to stop sending messages, the sender must stop.

H. Liability

  1. The Clark County School District does not warrant the functions or services performed by the District’s computer network resources. Resources are provided on an “as is, as available” basis.
  2. Opinions, advice, services and all other information supplied by third parties is for informational purposes only. It is not guaranteed to be correct. Users are urged to seek professional advice for specific individual situations.
  3. Any software available from the District’s network resources is not guaranteed as to suitability, legality, or performance by the Clark County School District.
  4. Staff, students, and community members agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Clark County School District for any liability arising out of any violation of this AUP.

I. Electronic Mail and Real-Time Conferencing

  1. It is not the intention of the system administrators to inspect or disclose the contents of electronic mail or computer files sent by one user to another, without consent from either party, unless required to do so by the Clark County School District, local, state, or federal officials. Electronic mail is not private. As with written communication, users should recognize there is no expectation of privacy for electronic mail.
  2. Users are expected to remove e-mail messages in a timely manner.
  3. Users must not use taglines, quotes, quips, pictures, links, or other items that are not pertinent to essential contact information related to school district employment at the end of the e-mail message or in the e-mail signature block.
  4. All users must promptly report inappropriate messages received to a teacher, supervisor, or the system administrators.
  5. Students should not reveal personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, passwords, or financial information to others. If student work is identified, only the first name, grade, and school should be listed. Private information may not be posted about another person
  6. A canceled account will not retain electronic mail.
  7. The system administrators reserve the right to terminate access to the District’s computer network resources if this AUP is violated while using real-time chat features, including video conferencing.

J. Incidental Personal Use of Technology Resources

  1. Technology resources may be used by district personnel for personal purposes provided that the use does not interfere with the Clark County School District’s ability to carry out District business, does not interfere with the employee’s duties, does not subject the Clark County School District to increased costs or risks, and does not violate the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy.

The use of computer network technology resources shall be consistent with all Clark County School District policies and regulations including, but not limited to, 3990, 3991.

Students will receive access to the District’s network resources unless a parent/guardian explicitly indicates the student should not have access to the District network resources. All staff will receive access to the District’s network resources upon employment.