Concussion Protocol

Concussion Management Procedure

To ensure the safety of student-athletes, and in accordance with Clark County School District (CCSD) and Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association (NIAA) policy, a student-athlete will not be allowed to return to participation in their sport until they have completed all of the steps in the Concussion Management Procedure. The Concussion Management Procedure is a multi-step process that includes the Return to Learn protocol followed by the Return to Play protocol.

Parent/Guardian and student-athlete must review the CCSD Head Injury/Possible Concussion: Assessment and Management Policy.

In order for the student-athlete to be eligible to Return to Play, they must complete all of the required steps below:

    Step 1.The student-athlete must be evaluated and cleared to participate in the Return to Play protocol by a Licensed Healthcare Provider (LHCP), M.D. (Doctor of Medicine), D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathy), P.A. (Physician's Assistant), or N.P. (Nurse Practitioner).
    • The school athletic trainer can provide the names of LHCPs specializing in concussion management, or the parent/guardian may choose one on their own.
    • The LHCPs release must be obtained in writing, specify the date the athlete can return to participation, and be turned in to the high school athletic trainer.
    Step 2.The student-athlete must complete and pass standardized concussion testing (C3 Logix) administered by the athletic trainer.
    • This test will help identify post-injury deficits the athlete can have with brain functions such as memory, vision, reaction time, and balance.
    • To determine pass or fail, test results will be compared to the student-athlete’s individual baseline or normative data if a baseline is not available.
    • The student-athlete will not be allowed to return to participation until a passing score is achieved.
    Step 3.The student-athlete must complete a six-stage graded exercise program under the direct supervision of the high school’s Licensed Athletic Trainer.
    • If, at any point in the program, the student-athlete demonstrates worsening symptoms, the athletic trainer will stop the activity progression, re-evaluate, and determine the best course in the recovery/return to participation process.
    • The student-athlete must be symptom-free with all activities in order to pass the graded exercise phase and return to full participation
    • The Graded Return to Play protocol consists of the following:
        • Symptom-limited activity [Up to 15 minutes]
        • Light aerobic exercise: 70% of age-predicted max HR [Up to 30 minutes]
        • Sport-specific exercise [Up to 60 minutes]
        • Full, non-contact practice; may begin progressive resistance training
        • Full contact practice
        • Return to sport; normal gameplay
    • Any exacerbation of symptoms will prevent the student-athlete from progressing to the next stage, which will need to be repeated after 24 hours.