Clark County School District
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Board Policies & Regulations

Notification of proposed changes to CCSD Policies and/or Regulations

State statute requires the Board of School Trustees adopt a Notice of Intent when it considers the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a policy or regulation. The Notice of Intent provides the public thirteen (13) days notice prior to final action by the board.

Comments by the public are welcome.

Policies/Regulations Under Consideration

The public is welcome to comment when policies/regulations are under consideration by the superintendent for adoption, amendment, or repeal. The policies/regulations listed in this category will be posted for a period of five (5) business days prior to submission to the Board of School Trustees.

No policies or regulations are scheduled at this time.

Notice of Intent - Date of Meeting:

Reflects the date of the board meeting discussion/action will be taken on the Notice of Intent.

No policies or regulations are scheduled at this time.

Final Action - Date of Meeting:

This date will indicate the date of the board meeting when the final discussion/action will occur. This is the last meeting for public comment on the issue.

No policies or regulations are scheduled at this time.