Clark County School District
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You may qualify under McKinney-Vento if your temporary residency meets any of the following criteria due to an economic hardship (flood, fire, illness, eviction, job loss, loss of housing, etc.):

  • You live with friends or relatives due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
  • You live in a hotel or motel due to lack of alternative accommodations;
  • You live in an emergency shelter or transitional shelter;
  • You live in a car, park, on the street, or similar settings.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001 focuses on increasing academic achievement of homeless students through school stability, access, and support. Under this federal law students that qualify as homeless have the right to:

    A. Immediate enrollment
    • The right to be enrolled immediately in school without immunization records (seven-day grace period), birth certificate, or previous school records (30-day grace period)
    • Allow unaccompanied youth, not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian, the right to enroll in school under the above guidelines
    B. Attend School of Origin
      The homeless student has three choices and may attend either:
    • The school the child or youth attended when permanently housed;
    • The school in which the child or youth was last enrolled;
    • The school for which the child is currently zoned.
    C. Transportation to School of Origin
    • Should a student become homeless he or she is entitled to receive transportation to his or her school of origin or last school attended, at the request of parent
    • If an unaccompanied youth requests transportation, school personnel should request transportation back to the school of origin or last school attended
    • Title I HOPE provides either a Clark County School bus or a RTC reduced-fare bus pass. The Clark County School District Transportation Department is responsible for bus routing
    D. Nutrition
    • When K-12th grade students are identified as homeless, they have the right to receive free breakfast and lunch immediately
    • No other documentation (including Federal Free and Reduced Lunch form) is required
    • The school for which the child is currently zoned.
    D. Access to all school services
    • Homeless children are entitled to the same services and programs as children who are not homeless

No, a homeless student or unaccompanied youth may go to his or her school of origin, last attended school or zoned school.
Yes, each Clark County school has a Title I HOPE Advocate who can help the student receive services.
The counselor at each school site will meet with students identified as homeless and do a service assessment to evaluate needs.
The Title I HOPE Advocate, school counselor and Title I HOPE Project Facilitator work together to provide needed services for homeless students at each school site.