Clark County School District
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department avatarPurchasing & Warehousing

BER Equipment Replacement

Funds may be available to assist schools in replacing equipment that has been determined to be beyond economical repair (BER). As first priority the District will replace BER equipment that is a safety issue.

  • The equipment being replaced is within current standards.
  • The total value of the equipment being replaced is over $1,000.00 (multiple items can placed be on one BER request)
  • The replacement program uses a one-for-one type trade-in
  • For copiers, AIS will pick up only old Kyocera brand copiers when the replacement is delivered. For all other BER copiers and items or equipment deemed BER, the school or department must submit a Shipping 1 form to return the items to the warehouse to complete the replacement process. Please see How to use the SHIPPING-1 form for instructions
  • The equipment has been deemed BER by CCSD Maintenance or the appropriate repair personnel and they have provided documentation of the reason for the BER
  • Additional required documentation: A school inventory of certain equipment. Please email for more information
  • The Equipment Replacement Request Form will not be processed until all BER documentation is provided and attached
  • The school agrees to pay a percentage of the cost toward the new equipment if the equipment has not met its useful life because of overuse or mishandling
  • The new equipment provided must be standard equipment

The district will pay 100% of the replacement cost if the equipment has exceeded its useful life. If the equipment has not met its useful life, the school shall fund the remaining cost. Example: the useful life on most copiers is 7+ years. If the BER copier is older than 7 years, the district will replace it at no cost. If the copier is BER after 5 years the school will pay 28.5% and the district will pay 71.5%.

To request a BER replacement, please download and fill in the Equipment Replacement Request Form and email it to with the BER documentation and inventory attached.

Equipment Replacement Request Form

BER Safety Cabinet Replacement Request